Monday, November 12, 2007

Blah Blah Blah...

I'm having a really sucky day. The kind that, from the time you wake up 'til the end of the day, it just plain sucks, so I'm blogging about it with this really perky Christmas background, hoping to feel better.

Three-day weekend, (technically 4 days with no school tomorrow) supposed to get tons of stuff done, ergo...nothing has gotten done. The kids have vegged all weekend (my fault), everything we said we were going to do is still not done (my fault) and something else insignificant, like watching tv, happened instead at the time we said we were going to do our "project". It's now almost 5 on Monday, the house is messy, I have NO energy, we're all arguing...SUCKS!

We were supposed to put up Christmas lights, straighten up the living room, get the tree up in the family room, get some minor "household" projects completed, and have all day today to relax and do whatever we wanted. Didn't happen! Oh, and we were supposed to go to church yesterday. DIDN'T HAPPEN. Grrr.

Well, there's always tomorrow. We're both back to work in the morning so, NOT!


shontell said...

sorry friend. does this mean you aren't available to fix me blog? AHAHAAA JUST JOKING!! You know what you need? Without a Paddle.

melaroo said...

yeah, but when it all comes down to it---you're still a much better mom than britney.

Jenene said...

(snort) I keep trying to get my picture taken, but every time I leave the house with no underwear on, there's never any paparazzi!

melaroo said...

well, let me know when you're leaving again & i'll bring my camera.