Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat...

Ooo ooo ooo, I can't wait 'til March!
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland...here's a pic of Mr. Depp as the Mad Hatter! I must say, he looks MUCH better as Carrot Top than Carrot Top does, eh? (snicker)

Monday, June 22, 2009

I Want An Adventure...

I heart the Disney/Pixar movie UP. I took the kids to see it last night so Jon could have a Father's Day night alone to relax, and it changed me. This simple movie had me crying the first few minutes and I never stopped, even through the credits! It caused me to think about so many special things and created a new vision in my heart for my marriage. I came out of the theater with plans for my own adventure with my husband. I want to have our own special pop cap badge, create a "Paradise Falls" fund, make our adventure scrap book, and love my husband as much as Carl and Ellie loved each other. I've got a great start with the love thing, cuz you've gotta have that in order to want all the other stuff, right? Next I'm going to start on the scrap book...complete with the line "Thanks for the adventure. Now go have one of your own." :::tearysigh:::

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Best Dad Ever!

Happy Father's Day to my sweetie. You've stuck it out through thick and thin with my miserable pregnancies to gain the "dad" status over and over. We love you! Thanks for being such a great daddy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ahhh, Summer At Last...

The babies are gone, for now...
The kids are home for the summer...
We're not traveling this year, but plan on having LOTS of fun together until...
Remember Jon's brush with death last summer? Well, he has to have one final surgery to correct some pain issues. Hopefully it won't be too bad for him. Also, I'm having another knee surgery on July 24th. Ick.

Usually we're camping on the beach right now, then getting ready to head up to Idaho to spend the 4th of July with my brother and his family in Rigby and a few side stops in Montana and Yellowstone. Not this year. I get to have surgery AGAIN on my right knee the end of July to replace a damaged ACL. Grrr. My last doctor should have caught it. Apparently it's RIGHT THERE on the MRI films. Guess I should have been a doctor OR a lawyer, like my mom wanted. If I were the doctor, I could have read my OWN MRI films and found the problem. If I were the lawyer, I could persue this last doctor for missing the problem and making me have to go through another painful surgery with a much longer recovery time. YAY.
We're working on projects around the house, trying to get it ready for me to comfortably lay around for a couple weeks before I start therapy after the surgery. We've started with the kid's bathroom, removing EVERYTHING down to the wallpaper. Walls have been painted, New vanity installed, new light fisxtures and fan, floor tile next, and a new toilet. Bathtub tile will be replaced later because.......next will be our bedroom. THIS.WILL.BE.COMPLETED.BEFORE.MY.SURGERY. If I'm going to lay around on the bed most of the day, it's not going to be while starting up at a repaired ceiling that needs to be repainted, or looking across the carpet that needs to be replaced at spilled paint stains compliments of a mad dash to the toilet during my 4th pregnancy, OR starting at the walls that need to be repainted and trim that needs to be replaced along with crown moulding. I want! I want! I want! Oh, and did I mention our masterbath? Umm Humm. :)

In the midst of all this, Jon and I will try to squeeze in a weekend trip to Lake Tahoe for OUR vacation that we never get to take when the kids go on THEIR vacation each summer and bring us along as their personal slaves. I'm not sure why we didn't figure this out sooner.
I'll keep you posted. I'm sure it's going to get very interesting in the next few weeks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Hit The Road...

Sadness. :::heavysigh:::

Our fun little Mercedes convertible has moved on to a new owner.
We miss it already!