Saturday, October 13, 2007

My "Dash"

No, I'm not referring to The Incredible's kid.

I attended a memorial service today and The Dash poem was read.
It begins at a woman's funeral. The eulogizer explains the dates on her tombstone...the joy of her birth and the sadness of her death, but most important was what happened between those dates...the dash...the time spent on earth, and how only those who loved her know how much that little line is worth.

I wondered about MY dash. What will everyone say about me when I'm gone? What will God say when I arrive? Do I show love and appreciation to the people who love me? Do I love the Lord with all my heart? Or, am I wasting my dash?

For the most part I think I'm okay, but there are some areas that could use some change for a more fulfilling journey down the remainder of my life path. I don't need a eugoogoolizer to give me a fancy eugoogooly , but I do want those that love me to smile when they think about the worth of my little line and I DEFINITELY want a smile and a hug from God and a pat on the back with the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Well done."

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