Sunday, August 19, 2007

43 years ago...

Yay, tomorrow is my birthday! Normally I don't pay much attention to these days since hitting 35, but for some reason 43 is a turning point for me. I feel like I've hit my mid-life crisis. It's time to get back to my fighting weight. I can't look cool driving around in my flashy red convertible with a double chin. So, my mid-life, mid-year resolution is to look as young as I feel. Get ready, 'cause when I reach that point, nothin' will be able to stop me!


Jessie said...


shontell said...

(adding to Jessie's) CHA CHA CHA!
I feel no birthday is complete without a CHA CHA CHA. In our house, Addison usually adds this part, and it is usually four beats behind lol. Perfect. I can't believe you were on Dancing with the Stars!! Awesome.