Today my second baby, lover of all things Jack and Sally, turned 14. Not due until January 1st, Olivia Danielle was our 7 lb., 8 oz., early Christmas present! She woke me up with a dam burst at 7:30 a.m., then barely allowed us to get to the hospital. I remember hitting construction about 1/2 mile from St. Rose and literally standing up in the front of the van because the contractions were coming so hard and fast! I got to a room, put on a gown, rolled in to the bed demanding an epidural, then hollering to the nurse that I have to push...all within 6 minutes! GRRRR. She didn't believe me, called the doctor in who casually lifted my gown to see how far I had dialated only to be greated by my daughter's head!
I looked at the nurse and said "Now do you believe me?" "I HAVE TO PUSH!" One push later she was out, 8:40 a.m. , one hour and ten minutes after my water broke. This little darling had a ginormous head, so momma wasn't happy about not receiving the drugs! Our little sissy is such a joy. We're so glad you're part of our family! You're full of sass and I wouldn't have you any other way! You're beautiful, talented, creative, smart, funny, and you get your parents.
Happy birthday, Sis! We love you so much!
Happy Birthday Olivia. Can't believe you're 14! Hope you had a great day.
I'm pretty sure every thought I had of trying to go w/out drugs this time just flew out the window!!!
Wow! I can't believe she is all ready 14! How time flies! Happy birthday Olivia!!!
I love Sissy, too! Happy 14th Olivia!! I miss you!
Wow! I cant believe it only took one push... That would be awesome! But no drugs... I don't even want to imagine! I can't believe she 14! time does fly
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