My special, talented friend and bestest photographer Jessie, who owns SpeckledBirdArt, was inspired to come up with Images of Hope in Las Vegas, a project that she partnered with The March of Dimes to give hope to families with babies in the NICU. It shows children at different ages, healthy and happy after a beginning in the NICU. Huge canvases are on the walls of the 6th and 7th floor at University Medical Center, and all of them show children who have graduated from the NICU! Last week was the unveiling and it was so cool to see a HUGE 24x40 Meggie up on the wall! We also toured the NICU and, even though she wasn't at UMC, it still brought back so many memories...sniff. She was a healthy baby, but it was very difficult to go through most of those 7 weeks she spent there. This display is such a wonderful thing. There's hope that it will become part of the other NICU's in town in the future. Here's Meggie's picture. It was taken a few months ago, just before her 7th birthday...

isn't our friend jessie the BEST?!!! and i heart that pic of meghan. i think it perfectly captures childhood. i remember going to see you both in the hospital (and getting pulled over on the way there AND on the way home--sigh). but i'm so happy to see how far your little baby bird has come!
miss you!
Super Great!!!
How sweet is that. Made me go and get all teary n stuff! What a neat tribute and way to give hope to the parents/families that are going through it now :)
YAY!! I heart you NEEN. So very much. When can I seeeee you? I need some friend time.
Those pics are SO SO SO SO GREAT!!! What a great story friend.
YAY Meghan!! She really is a real good jumper. Glad her lungs worked. And her heart. And her brain.
Blessed my heart as I remembered us praying for you guys - but that was waaay before we really knew you . . . Thanks also for adding the picture of the display - I was trying to visualize it - but as usual - Jess made it way cooler than my imaginations! And what an encouragement to those families at the hospital for so many days/weeks!
Miss you guys so much!
That is very neat that she can bring inspiration & hope to families who are in the same type of situation you guys were! What a cute picture!!!
WOW!! What a great tribute to little Meggie Moo! I miss you guys!
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