Thursday, March 19, 2009

He's 50 and Lovin It!

The immortal words of Sally O'Malley..."I'm 50 years old! And I like to kick! Stretch! And kick!"...say it all. Today, March 20th, Jon turns 50. Remember when we were in elementary school and we thought people that were 30 were old and people that were 50 were almost dead? (snicker) Well, thankfully Jon is FAR from dead. Happy birthday, dear. Thank you for being such a great provider, wonderful husband and father, and thanks for staying with us this past summer! Oh, and happy birthday to the boys!


Heath and Jessica said...

Happy 50th birthday Jon!

Those People With The Crazy Kids said...

Have a very happy birthday :0)

shontell said...

I remember when Mike and I were dating, and I wanted him to wear cowboy boots. He said no; he wasn't old enough. He said when we were old, like 26 he would wear them. He promised. Still no boots. Happy Birthday JON BOARDMAN. SAAAIL OUT!!