School starts tomorrow, I'm not ready, the kids aren't on a good schedule, I'm exhausted, laundry isn't done, backpacks aren't ready, lunches haven't been made yet, the house isn't clean, our cars are being weird, and it's too hot! I have chosen to better the situation, though. I am rearranging pictures on my wall and watching TV Land. Is that wrong?
I totally feel your pain. We were invited to a jillion things weekend and we said no to most. We even ditched church which is not the norm for me. My kids are highly prepared for school, and we have even been trying to stick to a semi schedule this past week. My agony comes in because I have spent so much time getting all of them ready for school, I forgot I am actually a student TOO and have homework due AND my husband has HIS first night of school tomorrow. yawn. I am tired already. I AM grateful to Auntie Mel for her coffee provisions which should help me get through the morning.
you'll get it, neener. and life will calm down a bit once they actually start. just have them buy lunch tomorrow. it'll be easier that way.
don't stress!
You are awesome I am totally like that when I should be doing something I usually choose somethiing else.
School has started. Now you have TONS of time to do everything, righ? cause that is what everyone is telling me. I am still looking for the time, though. Sigh. :P
Oh YAY...tons of time! Who ARE these people that keep telling us that? We should hunt them down.
I'm just sayin.
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