We enjoyed 4 days in Park City...lovely, cool weather, fun on the mountain slides, barn discoveries, lots of pool swimmming, and river play. Started our trek Monday morning for Idaho Falls and traveled the back highways, yet again, in search of more scenery AND Preston, Idaho...home of Napoleon Dynamite.

Made it to the middle of Preston by 4:30 in search of the Chamber of Commerce to obtain a "map" of the movie sights. They closed at 4 (figures), but (snort) the cell phone store next door had a map. First stop was the playground for the tetherball scene at the end of the movie.

The pole in the movie was in a tire, but this is the same spot.
Some loser probably stole the real one.
You wanna play me?
Next was Pedro's house. The crazy neighbor lady next door kept yelling at us to stop taking pictures. Yah, right. My family had my back.

On to Preston High and a visit to the nurse's office for some chapstick, then Rex Kwon Do's dojo. The Cut 'n Corral and Deseret Industries (which both really exist) are across the street. Bow to your sensei!

We only had enough time left to find Napoleon's house, which was way out in the fields, on a dirt road! No Tina anywhere in sight, but Kip was definitely inside on the computer chatting with babes. We also snuck over to the Pop 'n Pins for a quick game of bumper bowl...yessssss!
Your mom goes to college.

Sweet! There's the steps where Kip and Uncle Rico were sitting when Rico grabbed Kip's microwaved steak and pegged Napoleon while he's riding Pedro's bike!
Next visit we'll get the rest...pics of Rex and Starla, Summer, and Trisha's houses and the egg farm. They were all at the opposite end of town and we had to go.

The pole in the movie was in a tire, but this is the same spot.
Some loser probably stole the real one.
You wanna play me?
Next was Pedro's house. The crazy neighbor lady next door kept yelling at us to stop taking pictures. Yah, right. My family had my back.

On to Preston High and a visit to the nurse's office for some chapstick, then Rex Kwon Do's dojo. The Cut 'n Corral and Deseret Industries (which both really exist) are across the street. Bow to your sensei!

We only had enough time left to find Napoleon's house, which was way out in the fields, on a dirt road! No Tina anywhere in sight, but Kip was definitely inside on the computer chatting with babes. We also snuck over to the Pop 'n Pins for a quick game of bumper bowl...yessssss!
Your mom goes to college.

Sweet! There's the steps where Kip and Uncle Rico were sitting when Rico grabbed Kip's microwaved steak and pegged Napoleon while he's riding Pedro's bike!
Next visit we'll get the rest...pics of Rex and Starla, Summer, and Trisha's houses and the egg farm. They were all at the opposite end of town and we had to go.
omgosh you are hysterical. and i love the layout of your blog AND your family pics. i'm glad you had a lovely trip and so much fun and got to see all of your barns. i had no idea you were a barn fanatic, but yay for you for getting to see them all! welcome back home!
Have you ever watched the commentary on this movie? It really is hilarious.
Yah...it's great!
We just watched the movie again tonight. It's weird after actually being at the places.
this is completely fantastic and makes me want to visit there now. hahaahahaa
You actually hunted these places down - too funny! My husband will be totally impressed (& I thought he was a big Napoleon fan!) BTW I left you a bit of a tag on my blog - no, no...don't thank me. It was my pleasure hee hee!
I've actually met Lyle - the guy who shoots the cow in front of the school bus full of kids! He is the grandpa of a friend of ours in college! He is super funny and nice! I've totally met someone famous! Hope Jon is feeling better really soon!
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