I have to say, I have missed this annual weekend experience for the past 4 years, but didn't realize how much until going back this past weekend. Being with my friends, learning things about my marriage and children, getting right with God...all things you can learn about at home, yes, but something about being in the presense of Godly women at Murietta Hot Springs (which is heavenly) can't be duplicated (until the following year, at women's retreat, AT Murietta Hot Springs!).
This whole weekend was TOTALLY orchestrated by God (hmmm, imagine that). It all started with me sitting down at the dining room table about 3 weeks ago, around 1:00 a.m., to look through a home improvement magazine. I was looking for ideas to change my kitchen and came across an Ikea ad for a kitchen I totally want! I know my friend, JESSICABALDWIN, is an Ikea fanatic. We end up talking online about 4 days later about needing to go on a weekend trip, then Ikea comes up and I know the stores are in California. I ask her where the nearest one is, maybe we could make a weekend trip. Cornerstone's Women's Retreat somehow "pops" in to my head and I ask her if there's a store near Temecula. "OMG, YES!" It turns out retreat is in 2 weeks and there were still spaces available, so she signed us up. JESSICABALDWIN was teetering on not going to retreat, and I hadn't been in years, but God had other plans for us!
Thursday night before we left, I found out our other friend, SHONTELLBREWER, who I miss so much, was coming from Reno! I was so happy I almost peed my pants! Traveling with JESSICABALDWIN, SHONTELLBREWER, and my new friend, ERINHARRISON-BOARDMAN, was the greatest experience for me. They are all so fun and so tuned in to hearing God and giving advice, praying, and telling it like it is. I LOVE THEM! (even if they stole my car to go to Starbucks!)

This was the best weekend ever...lots of episodes of The Office, shopping at Ikea (OMG!), endless giggling, prayer, hearing from God, etc., etc. I terribly missed my friend, MELISSADAHIR, though. This is our first retreat without her :( She's on her own retreat with her family, back in Virginia. We love you, Mel.
I cherish my friends.
I laughed all the way through this post because everytime I would get to someone's name, I would have to yell it in a turrets (sp?) sort of way. I was a little sad you only called Erin a Boardman. I am just saying, what does she got that I don't? Then, I got teary cause the memories are great. Don't you feel like jazzing up my blog? What? Have you got something else to do? sigh.
Don't make your mom come looking for you!
No no no.
Jenene I cherish YOU.
It looks & sounds like you guys had a wonderful time!
awww neener...i missed you guys so much. but i am super duper happy that you FINALLY went back to retreat! God has plans for our lives that are so much better than our own! anyway, thanks for posting about your experience. i love hearing it!
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