This girl is growing up wayyy to fast for me! She's the last of our "babies" and it's getting harder for me to deal with! She's turned in to a little girl over night. The last couple of months have been filled with learning to swim under water in the deep end, riding a bike with no training wheels, losing her first tooth, then the second one a couple days later, and NOW getting her ears pierced (she didn't even flinch). ACK! June has been a busy month! Thank God it's over!
My Tooth
My tooth fell out and left a space
So big my tongue can touch my face,
And every time I smile I show
The place where something used to grow.
I miss my tooth as you can guess,
But now I have to brush one less!
how sad, but happy! It is happening around here too. Sam is taking steps and standing on his own. Addison is potty training...something I am not at all sad to see go bye-bye. We just celebrated our last first bday. sniff.
Aww...i know! Sometimes I long for the baby to come back. However, I never was so happy than when each kid would be OUT OF DIAPERS, though! Hey kids, we don't have to buy diapers any more. Momma can afford to get food at the store now! YAY.
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