Today began like any other day. The birds were singing, the brook that runs by my open bedroom window was babbling, the gentle breeze was softly blowing the curtains as the church bell tolled in the distance, and the mice were singing Cinderellee, Cinderellee softly in my ear. As I gently stretched and glamorously rose off of my satin pillow reality quickly set in. There was no castle and the babbling brook was actually the screeching sounds of my children, arguing at the top of their lungs, unsuccessful at their attempts to kill each other, AGAIN. It was a scene straight from Everybody Loves Raymond and, instead of Prince Charming laying next to me it was more like Ray saying to Debra, "honey, can you check on the kids?". Oh, the life of a princess.It is I, SuperMom, aka the Mother of ALL Evils. Don't get me wrong, my children love me, they just don't like me all the time. Today it was because they had to clean their rooms AND themselves. Tomorrow because I'll make them get up for school, put on clean underwear, eat breakfast and brush their teeth.
I keep reminding myself that someday they'll thank me.

you make parenthood sound so glamorous...
I can't believe you make them clean themselves. You probably give them hugs, too! I'm off to call CPS.
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