I heart the Disney/Pixar movie UP. I took the kids to see it last night so Jon could have a Father's Day night alone to relax, and it changed me. This simple movie had me crying the first few minutes and I never stopped, even through the credits! It caused me to think about so many special things and created a new vision in my heart for my marriage. I came out of the theater with plans for my own adventure with my husband. I want to have our own special pop cap badge, create a "Paradise Falls" fund, make our adventure scrap book, and love my husband as much as Carl and Ellie loved each other. I've got a great start with the love thing, cuz you've gotta have that in order to want all the other stuff, right? Next I'm going to start on the scrap book...complete with the line "Thanks for the adventure. Now go have one of your own." :::tearysigh:::