Now that the cartoon is on Nick Jr. in the mornings, It's got me thinking about my Olivia as a little girl. I get to watch it with the babies AND Olivia, since she's home schooled, and Olivia the pig IS my little Livy the pig, messes and all! When she was 6 and 3/4ths like the pig, she played just like her...had a vidid imagination, made up stories, pretended to be everything under the sun, went on grand adventures, played dress up, got in to my jewelry and makeup, played tricks on her little brother Max The Wild Thing, and buggrd her big brother Ian even though they were best friends at the time. Oh, and she was (and still is) loud like the pig, too. We used to call her our little foghorn. I came across a book one day that best described her...Loud Emily...about a baby that was born with a loud voice and it just got louder and louder. That is Olivia. It's also one of our favorite books. The fact that her little "bother's" name is Ian is even funnier. The only thing that would make it perfect is if Ian was her OLDER brother in the book, like he is in real life at our house.