How totally lame is this? It's Thanksgiving eve. I've just left Sam's Club. I didn't experience a disgruntled shopper trying to grab the last pie, I haven't been sleep deprived since Sunday, and it's payday. So tell me why this happened...
I'm sitting at a light waiting to turn. It's taking for ever so I start focusing on the radio. I'm so excited today because Sunny 106.5 has started playing non-stop Christmas music. So I'm listening happily, the song ends and one of the Onstar commercials comes on. I like them because they sound sooo funny...I know, I know, real life drama shouldn't be so amusing but I have a dark side (like Shontell) and I like to laugh at them. Anyway, I go from tapping to the beat on the steering wheel to thinking I'm going to have a great ride home reminiscing about this hilarious Onstar customer and, instead I end up crying! Over a freaking Onstar commercial! AND, the driver wasn't even hurt! What the heck? That is soo wack!