Friday, October 26, 2007

No, She's Not My Favorite!

It looks like I only have ONE child because most of my posts are about Meghan but, in my defense, she's the only one with anything going on lately and, besides she IS the cutest thing evuhr!

She turned 6 on the 14th, but today was her party. We doubled up with one of her best friends, Mackenzie, who turned 5 on the 22nd, and had a "princess" party at the park.
Isn't this kid's hair totally hilarious?!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Meggie's 6!!!

Exactly 6 years ago, TODAY, Meghan entered this world!

Sunday, October 14th at 7:30 p.m., while trying to enjoy a piece of chocolate cake in my hospital room, all hell broke loose. After a good cry while on the phone with my friend Retta because I missed my family and was sooo tired of living at Sunrise for the past 2 months, I started to feel really weird. I opened my eyes after what I thought had been just a few minutes, to a barage of doctors and nurses working on me with all kinds of noisy equipment. They proceeded to tell me I had crashed, the baby had crashed, they finally have a heart beat but it's too fast and they have to take her now. ACK! Wait, I need to call my husband! Where's my doctor? I need to remind him NOT TO FORGET TO TIE MY TUBES! Most important, WHERE'S MY CHOCOLATE CAKE?!!!!!!!

My doctor arrived and he DID remember that I wanted my tubes tied. Jon was on his way. They have to do an emergency C-section, no time for an epidural, have to put me under, so Jon can't be in the operating room...he has to watch through a tiny window in the door! My piece of chocolate cake was gone and it would be HOURS before I could eat again! To this day, I don't know what happened to that piece of cake.

Did I mention I'm only almost 32 weeks along, so she's going to be way early and heading straight to the NICU. Of course the staff prepped me for what to expect. THAT was reassuring. Now I have all the worst-case scenarios to think about while on my luxury gurny, rolling at Nascar speed down the hallway to the operating room, all the way coughing non-stop because of the stomach neutralizer crap they shoved down my throat, even though I NEVER got a bite of my beloved chocolate cake! Did I also mention that I had to pee so bad? All that have been pregnant know what happens when you have a full bladder and start coughing!

Long story short, Meghan Claire arrived at 8:49 p.m., 2 months early. She was a tiny little baby bird, weighing all of 2 pounds 4 ounces and 14 inches long. Her lungs were fully developed so she didn't need to be intibated. She was perfect. The cutest little thing. She reminded us of a little cornish game hen. She also reminded us of Dr. Evil's cat, Mr. Bigglesworth, POST cryogenics...hence her nickname, Mrs. Migglesworth.

After all the troubles she and I had during the pregnancy, God brought her in to this world with NO health problems. She was placed in the "feed and grow" section of the NICU. We were so blessed. She's very fiesty. I'm sure that's what helped her through the rough times in the womb.

6 years have flown by. She's so smart. So grown up (but does have her moments). Such a beautiful final addition to our family. It's hard to see her grow so quickly.

Happy Birthday, sweet Miggie Moo.

Our little miracle.

We love you.

October 31, 2001 NICU...first Halloween costume (notice how huge the bib is)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

My "Dash"

No, I'm not referring to The Incredible's kid.

I attended a memorial service today and The Dash poem was read.
It begins at a woman's funeral. The eulogizer explains the dates on her tombstone...the joy of her birth and the sadness of her death, but most important was what happened between those dates...the dash...the time spent on earth, and how only those who loved her know how much that little line is worth.

I wondered about MY dash. What will everyone say about me when I'm gone? What will God say when I arrive? Do I show love and appreciation to the people who love me? Do I love the Lord with all my heart? Or, am I wasting my dash?

For the most part I think I'm okay, but there are some areas that could use some change for a more fulfilling journey down the remainder of my life path. I don't need a eugoogoolizer to give me a fancy eugoogooly , but I do want those that love me to smile when they think about the worth of my little line and I DEFINITELY want a smile and a hug from God and a pat on the back with the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Well done."

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I LOVE October!!!!!

October is one of my FAVORITE months! It's when God says, "It's time to change."
It's also is in full swing, it's getting cool enough to leave windows open at night, the air smells different, the leaves are just beginning to drop, Halloween's just around the corner...I LOVE IT!

I peer out the window like the lady in the Mervyn's ad (open-open-open) impatiently waiting for all the yellow and orange leaves to hit the ground so we can make piles and all go run through them! I also start craving pumpkin pie with whipping cream and sliced apples with Marzetti's Carmel Dip...mmm mmm mmm!
As soon as I see pumpkins in the store I get all excited! I want to start wearing my way-comfy sweaters and long-sleeved shirts, even though it's still 90 degrees here in Vegas during the day! I want to decorate for Halloween! I want to head to the orchard and let the kids pick pumpkins and squash! I want to drag Jon and the kids to Utah so we can see the leaves turn (whether they want to or not)! I want fire in the fireplace! I want cobbler! I want to play football at the park! I want to trick-or-treat just for the candy! I want...I want...I want!!!
Ooo, I can't WAIT for Halloween!!!